A.R.T. Center
Address: 323 Llama Lagoon, Newcrest (On the Asphalt Abodes lot).

Ground floor: Entrance with garderobe/cloakroom.
Second floor: Bathrooms.
Third floor: Reception, private office, private kitchen, exhibition space, bar & lounge (incl. small stage with piano).
Fourth floor: Exhibition space, two woodworking spaces, working space for children, storage space, painting workshop area.
Build Layout
Required games
Expansion packs: City Living, Discover University, Eco Lifestyle, Get Famous, Get to Work, Snowy Escape.
Game packs: Dine Out, Spa Day
Stuff packs: Fitness Stuff, Tiny Living.
Kits: None
Lot traits
Home Studio, Great Acoustics, Penny Pixies.
Now available for download on Patreon.
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