When you download a lot, you might notice that you receive “tray” files from the creator and not a .package file as with custom content. If the creator used custom content in their lot, you might also receive some .package files (and in some cases, links to custom content you should download yourself).
But don’t worry, the installation process of lots remains just as simple.
Step 1. Extract the Files
The creator will provide the files in a compressed format (rar or zip files). You will need a program like WinRar, WinZip, or 7-zip to extract these files. Usually, you can right-click on any compressed file and click “Extract …” to retrieve the files you need.
Step 2. Copy the Tray Files to the Right Folder
Once you have the tray files, you need to move these files to the correct folder on your computer. For downloaded lots, you should put the files in the, you guessed it, “Tray” folder. You can find the folder at Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Tray. You will recognize the folder by its contents – it will usually contain files ending with .blueprint, .trayitem, .bpi, or .room. The group of files belonging to the lot will typically have the same date and time, as in the image below.
NB: Make sure you paste the files that you received directly into the “Tray” folder and not in a subfolder.
Step 3. Copy the Mods Files to the Right Folder
All of the .package files that are included should NOT be placed in the tray folder, but in your Mods folder, which you can find at Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods. You can read more about how to install custom content here.
Step 4. Place the Lot
The lot should appear in your game library once you have moved the correct files to the “Tray” folder. If the lot contains custom content, and you cannot find the lot in your game library, make sure that you have the “Include custom content” option selected. Please note that in some cases, you need to have the bb.moveobjects cheat on before placing a lot. Read here for more information.

And that’s it! Press play and enjoy your new lot!
If you downloaded new CC and your game crashes or has bugs when you load it, check out my guide on How to find and fix corrupt Custom Content for the Sims 4.
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