If you have a Custom Content addiction like me, keeping your mods folder well organized is very important. Why? Well, if your game crashes after a game update or after installing new CC, it will make finding the root of the problem much more effortless. I know that once you download new CC, you just want to start playing and not waste time on organizing, but I promise you it is worth the trouble, especially if you keep it simple.

Keep organized:

When you go into my Mods folder, there are three main folders (categories): 1) CAS, 2) Build, and 3) Buy. This is already a great and straightforward way to stay organized. I do make some exceptions for this way of organizing. For example, if I download a set that contains both build- and buy items, I will place the entire set’s folder in the Buy category instead of splitting up the set into build and buy items.

How To Organize 1, Hyperion Sims Design

I also keep track of exactly when I download new CC within each of these folders. For every new month, I create a new folder. This is an excellent way to track when you installed the CC since the folder name tells you the month in which you downloaded and installed the CC. If your game crashes after installing a new batch of CC, you can easily do the 50/50 test with the most recent folders.

How To Organize 2, Hyperion Sims Design

I then follow a basic naming convention within each folder. I name the folders according to where I downloaded the CC from and the creator. So basically <creator_source>, for example HelStudio_Patreon, Syboulette_TSR, NOVVVAS_Website. This is very helpful when, for example, an object in a set suddenly stops working. I can then easily find where exactly I downloaded this object from and check whether there is an update for this object.

How To Organize 3, Hyperion Sims Design

This is how I prefer to separate and organize my CC, since this is the easiest way for me to categorize it and make sure I stay organized. Of course, there are several ways to stay organized! Just do what is easiest for YOU – find something you know you will continue doing.

Keep track of mods:

It is also very important to keep track of your mods. I keep all my mods in my mods folder outside of any other folders. This makes it easier to see which mods I have in my game. When the game receives an update, you have to remove all of these mods outside of your mods folder and make sure to download the latest (updated) version. Only move the updated mod back into your mods folder to ensure your game doesn’t crash. Go here for more tips on how to update your game if you use mods and Custom Content.

How To Organize 4, Hyperion Sims Design

If you like my builds and/or content, consider supporting me on Patreon or buy me a coffee.

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