In most cases, you may have seen creators (including myself) tell you to place the lot with bb.moveobjects on. The reason for this is that the move objects cheat was used to place certain objects on the lot, for example, placing some deco items close to each other.

How To Place Lots 1, Hyperion Sims Design How To Place Lots 2, Hyperion Sims Design

To place lots like these in your game, after you have installed them (click here to see how to install downloaded lots), you simply have to do the following:

Step 1.

Go into the lot where you want to place the downloaded building.

Step 2.

Open the cheat console (Shift+ctr+C) and type in bb.moveobjects to make sure it is on.

Step 3.

Go into your gallery, select the building, and place it on the lot.

Step 4.

You can now turn bb.moveojects off again and move in your sims.

Note: You do not have to turn on the cheat every time that you play, but only when you place the building for the first time.

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