I have an updated list of all my favorite CC with links. You can check it out here.
I would strongly recommend getting Tumblr, if you haven’t already. I don’t want to recommend specific creators for you to follow, since we each have our own style. On my Tumblr, I share when a creator uploads a new set of CC I plan on downloading. I will recommend following accounts like Emily CC Finds, and Elfdor; they repost when creators share new content. This way you get to know several creators and you can choose yourself which creators you like most and want to follow. It is also a good idea searching #ts4 #ts4cc #sims4 etc to get several suggestions and following those accounts you like the most.

The Sims resource is also a very good source of CC. You can create an account for free to make searching and filtering easier. It is riddled with ads, and you will have to wait between 10-15s for each download, but it is bearable.

If you like my builds and/or content, consider supporting me on Patreon or buy me a coffee.